Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25: ¡Feliz Día de la Independencia!

Today is Uruguay's independence day and we spent the holiday visiting Punta del Este. The popular beach destination is home to the famous "Mano (Hand) de Punta del Este." It was a windy 50 degree day, but fun!

Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22: United Nations Work Crew

A couple guys from Sierra Leone who go to Pastor John's church helped us with the drywall today. Our crew was very multicultural. Sierra Leone, Uruguay, United States, and Costa Rica were represented; there is also a Chinese family living on the property! Here are some pictures from today.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21: First Days

My first three days in Uruguay are in the books. It has been really good and really challenging! The people that I have met are great, I am learning a lot and experiencing a lot! The Spanish is of course rough and there are many cultural differences that I need to adjust to, but it will get better with time! For instance, it’s considered strange to smile at people that you don’t know and there is a different sign for “thumbs up,” but the side-kiss-greeting probably requires the most adjustment, but I think I have the hang of it. J

But it’s fun. On Tuesday, I was greeted at the airport by Andrés (the missionary that I am living with and working with) who is from Costa Rica and Josh who is a missionary from the U.S. with SIM as well. It was great to talk NBA offseason with Josh as he is from Minnesota and is less enthused about losing Kevin Love. We arrived at Andrés’s house where I met the SIM Uruguay staff. I’ll be staying at his house for a couple of weeks until the apartment behind his house is finished.

Staying with Andrés and his wife Sonya has been awesome. They are a great help with language learning. They’re very gracious and patient! I have thoroughly enjoyed our conversations; many laughs. Sonya’s cooking is excellent too. I have not been suffering at all!

I’ve been helping with the apartment renovation although I’m sure I am more of a good source of laughter for the Uruguayan workers because I really struggle to understand what they are asking me to do. Unfortunately, I am not fluent in Construction or Spanish, but I have been doing what I can; mostly chiseling cement!

Andrés took me with him to run some errands so I could experience some of this side of Montevideo. We went to the bank, the hardware store, etc. We stopped by at his church and met the kids that I will be working with three days a week in the afternoon!

Yesterday, I also met Pastor John who is from Kentucky originally. He’s been pastoring a multinational church here for 11 years. I will be working with him for much of my time here as well. He took me to his church’s Wednesday night supper/meeting so I could meet some of the people there. He has me leading worship on Sunday! That’ll be fun!

I got to see downtown Montevideo for the first time this afternoon when I was helping John drop off some donated items at a ministry there. Pretty cool and interesting city! I even dog-sat for him tonight at his house. I just do whatever needs done! It was actually nice to chill for the first time since I got here! We topped the night off with some McDonald’s.

God is at work in this spiritually dark place! Please continue to pray for me! I need it! And pray for the Christ-followers here that they would have strength and endurance in faith!

Nathan Harley

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5

Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18: The Beginning II

Today I leave Charlotte for Uruguay! Being here at SIM has been such a huge encouragement and I have learned a lot. We had STA (Short-Term Associate) Orientation Wednesday through Friday from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm. It felt similar to RA training - a lot of sitting/listening and a lot of information sprayed at me at once! I was one of five STAs in this training. All of the other four are heading to West Africa! It was great building relationships with each one; hearing their stories and hearts for the Lord’s work!

I have been thoroughly impressed and blessed by SIM as an organization so far. I have been floored with the hospitality and friendliness of the people here. I was trying to figure out it if was an SIM thing, a southerner thing or because we were new short-termers. I imagine it’s some of all three, but it has been great to be around so many like-minded Christ-followers. It really has a family feel.

It was incredible to see the strong emphasis on prayer. We prayed A LOT! J On Wednesday and Thursday morning, we joined the SIM staff here for a time of worship and prayer before they got to work and we got to our sessions. It was so cool. The first day we prayed for specific supporters of SIM. Then on Thursday we split up into the different countries that SIM is involved in and prayed for specific requests from the missionaries there. It is evident that SIM sees the power of prayer. Not only do they know that they can do nothing without God’s power, but they also know they can do immeasurable things with God’s power!

I was originally supposed to fly out on Friday evening, but due to schedule changes, I got to spend all weekend here! :P I actually praise God for the extra couple of days to spiritually, mentally, and academically prepare (I have plenty of reading and papers to do). A couple at SIM who ran the STA Orientation were very kind to allow me to eat with them at their house and take me to church! They had been in Bolivia previously for 9 years with their three kids. It was great to talk with them!

My flight leaves at 6 pm from Charlotte. I’ll arrive in Miami 2 hours later and fly to Montevideo, Uruguay around 11 pm. I’ll get there at 9:30 in the morning (they are one hour ahead of EST right now) and then its español time!

This will be my last Stateside post for a while!

Thank you for your prayers!

Nathan Harley

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 12: The Beginning

Good morning! Today, I start my journey to Uruguay where I will be spending four months on the internship for my Intercultural Studies major at Grace College. I will be serving with SIM ( and SIM is an international mission organization with more than 1,600 active missionaries from 60 countries serving in more than 60 countries.

Today I am leaving for orientation at SIM's headquarters in Charlotte, NC. I will be there until Monday, August 18th when I will fly to Miami and from there to Montevideo, Uruguay! Thanks to everyone for getting me to this place financially, prayerfully or otherwise! 

Uruguay is considered one of the least receptive countries to the Gospel in the Americas. Historically, it is one of the most difficult fields for missionaries. SIM is assisting the established church that is weakened by an overall mistrust of organized religion and has a need for well established, strong, healthy ministries. It is their vision to work across denominational lines and undergirding current ministries by establishing future children's ministries, developing a retreat and training center, and engaging in evangelism and discipleship.  This is the ministry of which I will be a part.

I will be working with Uruguay Director Andrés Corrales actively participating in the ministry of the local church as well as experiencing how the local church functions. I also will be personally mentored, learning the language, and gaining understanding of the culture.

I would be thankful for your prayer in these ways:
  •  Learning the language well enough to understand and communicate with others.
  •   Adjusting to and thriving in a new and different culture.
  • That I would be a blessing and help to the resident missionaries with SIM.
  • That I would gain knowledge, wisdom and skills that will aid me in future ministry.
  •   That I would grow in dependence and love for my Savior.
You can see updates, prayer requests and answers to prayer by following me here on my blog (

Nathan Harley

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13