It’s intriguing how God
orchestrates things! I met Ethan (who I would learn lives an hour away from my
home in Ohio) at language school in Costa Rica! After developing a strong
friendship in the short four months of being classmates and travel companions,
Ethan declared the classic, “Hey, I should come down and visit you in Uruguay!”
Admittedly at the time, I appreciated the sentiment but assumed it wouldn’t
actually come to fruition! Little did I know, God had an encouraging week
planned for me, for Uruguay and for Ethan and his fiancé Emily.
As they open-heartedly pray
for God’s guidance in terms of their future in ministry, Ethan and Emily
decided to come on an “exploratory mission trip” where they would get to know
and help a unique variety of ministries here in Montevideo. Their time spent
here was truly edifying on all fronts! Ethan and Emily were blessed and encouraged
and they made a positive relational impact in such a short time. I personally
had a blast hanging out with them, serving alongside them and leading them
around! It was also great to connect with many of the partnering ministries that I
have had a relationship with so far!
Please thank God with me for Ethan and Emily’s willingness to go-and-do in whatever way God might be guiding them and pray for/with them as they seek to
make wise decisions with the opportunities they have been presented with!
a gander at a small glimpse of that special week below!
Not only did they prepare games for Christ Church's youth group Christmas party, but they got right down on all fours and participated alongside them! |
Ethan leading the lesson for the youth |
Becoming Uruguayan quickly - sharing Mate on the Rambla |
Lunch with some of the young adult gang from church! |
Exploring the Old City |
Leading worship at Cosmpolitan Coffee Shop (a ministry that also leads short term missions teams from Uruguay) |
Getting to see the much poorer side of Montevideo. Where people live on mounds of trash in the dump, high school drop-out percentages hover around 75% and drug abuse is rampant, Juventud Para Cristo (Youth For Christ) has a needed and unique hand in restoring individuals and improving the society as a whole. |
We set up Christ Church for our annual Christmas Potluck and led the congregation in Christmas carols. Ethan and Emily got a chance to end the night with Go Tell it on the Mountain in Spanish!
Back at Cosmopolitan Coffee Shop painting sealant onto the walls of the basement that is used for the music events. Battling humidity and mold is a constant in Uruguay! |
Enjoying laughs over an Italian dinner with the coffee shop owners after a long work day! |
We visited the seminary where members of SIM lead people in theological and missions training! We helped assemble their textbooks for next semester! |
Enjoying the cultural diversity of Christ Church by supporting our African friends in their Christmas dinner and a show! We tried to keep ourselves entertained while we waited for our food (it was good to experience another culture's time orientation). |
Leading worship with Ethan & Emily at Vida Abundante - SIM's young church plant (it will turn 1 in February). In September, the church moved from an apartment to its new location in Pocitos (probably the least-reached neighborhood in Montevideo). |
Monthly Men's Breakfast (sorry Emily) |
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