It's wild that it is November already! Thanks for your prayers for the fun-fest at the kids program! Praise the Lord for the turnout, the fun and the positive message that kids and parents heard about our Light from Jonathan.
It's been great getting plugged into Christ Church. It's so much more than Sunday and Wednesday night church here. If there isn't a Bible study or group of some sort that meets every day, on a daily basis people are being cared for and loved by the body of Christ. There isn't any wonder if the Christians here live out their faith in kindness.
As you know, I've had the privilege of leading worship on Sundays in English and Wednesday in Spanish. It's been great to introduce some fresh music and to hear of its impact. Since I can only be here for a short time, it's vital that I leave the best footprint that I can. Please pray as we seek to involve more and more people in worship leading so they can build confidence and experience to continue leading their congregation in praising our Savior!
I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this Bible study on Tuesday nights. After talking about different attributes of God throughout the weeks, the leader, Jean Claude, had the creative idea to write a song together to remember the characteristics and accompanying verses! It may be on the Top 40 in a couple weeks!
Nathan Harley
"Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of His household."
Ephesians 2:19
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